Al Schmidt,

"Election integrity, and his decision not to seek reelection in 2023"

January 22, 2021

12:00 pm


Al Schmidt, a member of the commission that runs Philadelphia's elections, gained national notoriety last November when his fellow Republican Donald Trump ridiculed him for affirming that the city's voting and vote-counting were free and fair. Then came the death threats. Schmidt will talk about the experience, election integrity, and his decision not to seek reelection in 2023. See the New York Times feature on him. Schmidt was first elected City Commissioner of Philadelphia in November 2011, and currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Commission. Since being elected, he has worked to modernize election operations, improve efficiency, and bring integrity to the election process. He is a former senior analyst at the non-partisan U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) – the investigative arm of Congress. He assisted members of Congress, both Democratic and Republican, in conducting oversight of government agencies, programs, and policies to identify and eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement. Prior to joining GAO, Schmidt served as a policy analyst for the Presidential Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States, which conducted research into the fate of assets taken from victims of the Holocaust and advised the U.S. government on policies to make restitution to the rightful owners of stolen property or their heirs.


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