Evan Meyer, Retired General Counsel to the City Board of Ethics and Former Senior Attorney in the City Solicitor’s Office

"A Most Timely Presentation On City Ethics and Matters of Abuse of Power"

February 20, 2014

12:00 pm

$15 - $25

Evan will address "ethics" in the broader sense of "doing what's right and in the public interest" and not merely what is specified in local statutes. He is in a unique position as a former City employee because he has a perspective on the City as an insider that others do not have, while as a private citizen the freedom to express personal views on policy. Every day, articles in the paper demonstrate ethics and abuse of power issues, whether it's about Bridgegate or the School District cheating scandal. There will be much to talk about on these topics, and Evan will provide examples from personal experience of situations that fit into these categories.


The Racquet Club of Philadelphia

215 South 16th Street Philadelphia, PA 19102


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